pediatric Restorative Dentistry charlotte

Restorative Dentistry
In Charlotte

When it comes to ensuring your little one's smile feels and functions at its absolute best, we've got you covered. From tackling cavities with dental fillings to addressing more complex issues like pediatric frenectomies and pulpotomies, our goal is to bring back the sparkle to your child's decayed or damaged teeth. With our comprehensive pediatric restorative care, you can reclaim your child's overall oral health, empowering them to eat, laugh, and grow with unwavering confidence. Get ready to witness their smile shining like never before!

Restorative Dentistry

Pediatric Dental Fillings

Fillings are used to treat a tooth that is affected by minor decay, cracks, or fractures. At Rea Farms Pediatric Dentistry, we use white tooth-colored fillings that offer a safe and esthetically pleasing solution for your child’s dental needs. The decayed or affected portion of the tooth will be removed and then filled with a tooth colored filling. These fillings blend seamlessly with your child’s natural teeth, providing a discreet and effective way to restore their smile.

Get your child's cavity filled and removed with natural-looking fillings. Give us a call today to schedule your child's appointment!

Restorative Dentistry

Pediatric Pulpotomies

A pulpotomy may be recommended when a cavity has reached the nerve chamber or a tooth has suffered a traumatic injury, exposing the nerve. In a pulpotomy, the infected portion of the nerve is removed and a medication is placed to prevent further progression of bacteria into the roots of the tooth. This procedure is often performed on baby teeth to prevent premature tooth loss and maintain proper spacing for the developing permanent teeth. Our skilled team uses the safest and most advanced treatments available to help save the tooth.

Restorative Dentistry

Pediatric Dental Crowns

When a baby tooth has extensive damage or decay, a crown may be needed to replace the missing tooth structure to keep it in place until the permanent tooth grows in. Crowns are a full coverage dental restoration that offer the most protection because of their strength and durability and are a great option when the cavity is too large for a traditional filling. When indicated, we offer both silver and white crown options. The doctor will review which type is indicated for your child’s needs and go over risks and benefits of each treatment modality. The dental crown will help preserve and restore function of your little one’s tooth and help maintain a healthy, confident smile.

Sometimes a dental crown is required to save a badly infected or damaged tooth, give us a call if you feel your child may need a dental crown.

Restorative Dentistry

Pediatric Extractions

When it comes to restoring your child's smile, we always explore alternative treatments before considering tooth extractions. However, sometimes extractions are indicated due to infection, trauma or for orthodontic purposes. Our experienced team performs extractions with precision and care, ensuring minimal discomfort and a quick recovery.

Restorative Dentistry

Pediatric Sedation

We understand that dental visits can be stressful for some children. To ensure a comfortable and anxiety-free experience, our office works with an anesthesia group to offer safe and effective sedation options. Sedation helps children relax during their dental procedures, making the experience smoother and more pleasant. Our team is highly trained in pediatric sedation techniques, ensuring your child’s safety and comfort at all times. Whether your child needs a routine cleaning or a more involved treatment, we are committed to providing compassionate care in a calm and supportive environment. Your child’s comfort and well-being are our highest priorities.

Safe and comfortable pediatric sedation in Charlotte, NC. Helping your child feel at ease during dental treatments. Call us today!

Restorative Dentistry

Pediatric Emergencies

Dental emergencies can happen unexpectedly, and quick action is crucial for your child’s oral health. Our pediatric dental practice is equipped to handle a variety of dental emergencies, from toothaches and broken teeth to knocked-out teeth and dental infections. We provide prompt, compassionate care to relieve pain and address the issue effectively. Our team is available to guide you through immediate steps and ensure your child receives the necessary treatment as soon as possible.

Immediate care for pediatric dental emergencies in Charlotte, NC. We're here when your child needs us most. Contact us right away!

Frequently Asked Questions

Check out these frequently asked questions, or call us to speak with our team.

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Ready to Smile?

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